May 12, 2010

this one is so intermezzo

Hi again Egos! Long time no blogging eh?
hahaha gw juga sebenernya kangenn bgt nge-blog tapi ngga tau kenapa akhir2 ini kok gw jadi sibuk gitu ya.. ditambah mister Tanktop (baca:laptop) baru aja sembuh.. jadi males juga kalo ngeblognya musti di warnet.. haha okay actually I have many many things to tell ya egos.. Firstly I just bought my new iPod 5th gen.. I called him 'Blue Mendosa' or just call him iip in short :P Iip is sooo genius, smart, and briliant! he got a video camera on him! ya so recent days I love to shoot some crumbs around me! Hmm secondly, thirdly, yaa think I just forgot how to write well to tell ya what was the rest..

above is one of my shoot in carrefour. ya actually I was seeking Pocky Banana Chocolate, but i didn't find it. They just sell the strawberry and chocolate. hmmm poor me :(

I'm missing the taste somehow..

hahah okay see ya egos! many things to deal with!


  1. cie iip ud punya baju. video apaaa itu. videoin saya aja gmn?

  2. vidio langkanya pocky rasa pisang coklat di supermarket2 terdekat -.-
    oke kapan2 ya chyyn
