March 6, 2013

Waisak International Ceremony, 2008.

These photos were taken on Waisak International Ceremony, at Prambanan, Borobudur temple and Mendut Temple - 2008. Started with local cultural events performances, and ended by blewing off 'thousand' gigantic lampions. I was amazed with the 'thousand' lampions which flew away thru the evening sky, those lampions were flown with prayers inside.
I was using Lucky 100 BW and Kodak Colorplus 200 to portray these sacramental frames. Here are some of them.

June 19, 2012

Kaki Kuning

Kaki kuning, bersandar penuh pening
Penuh intaian, impi dan kadang berlari dalam hening.
Kadang ku menemukanmu, kaki kuning, tegak berlari penuh gemercing
Gaung dan gema diseberang terus kah kan kau gapai?
Berhentilah, dunia kan diam nantinya.
Kini, kaki kuning, tergeletak tak berdesing
Kaki kuning, kini sadar, semua kan menghitam pada malam nanti
semua kan hilang pada saat sinar matahari menguning; mati dan menghitam, esok pagi.

(ilustrasi: frahgelina)

May 2, 2012

Hit the Clouds!

illustration by frahgelina

Is it just me or the sky is getting low? ;)

April 28, 2012

You don't have to fight all of my fights.

You were taking a deep breath before you've planned to stop by here, to read. 30 minutes earlier you were hiding up things in your pocket, pretending those things have no kind of scent I could smell.
You took the chair so I could have a rest while I was coping with my blood sugar drops, gave me that super sweet candies so I could raise the drops up.
You are the only person that could see me dying for food because my meal time is so unpredictable. Once I feel starving means I'm gonna die straight away.
You will turn on the music I like when things went bored around me, well, you know all of my favorites, don't you?

What I'm trying to tell was, have you ever heard a story about a big tree that could grow itself? And have you ever realized about the damn pretty good purposes of why God put these eyes, hands, brains and the rest well-ordered?
What would be your answer sounds like?
And then for twice or even more you keep trying to make me act like a reckless person. Well, thanks for all those creepy helps but you don't have to.
You don't have to fight all of my fights.

(the illustration can't be provided)

October 31, 2011

Akuarium Manusia

Pada suatu ketika saya mengunjungi sebuah akuarium manusia, memperhatikan tingkah laku mereka;

| berjalan | tertawa | melamun | berpikir | kosong | memberi | menerima | berdiri | menatap | melupakan | melihat | menuju | melangkah | berbicara | mencari | berlari | berirama | berujar |

illustration by frahgelina

September 6, 2011

Pukul 12 Sampai Kepada 4 Ante Meridiem.

Malam kembali datang, tak perduli panas ataupun dingin ia tetap datang menyerang. "Pukul 12 Sampai Kepada 4 Ante Meridiem, dimulai." kataku.

illustrations by frahgelina

Jadi, inilah pukul 12 sampai kepada 4 Ante Meridiem ku. Dimana waktu terasa begitu lambat, begitu tenang.
Bagaimana denganmu?

[Didedikasikan bagi mereka yang mengidap kepribadian melankolis sempurna; malam adalah musuh mereka, namun malam pula lah yang menghantar mereka untuk mengimajikan segala, pikiran-pikiran-malam-hari-mereka]
