April 28, 2012

You don't have to fight all of my fights.

You were taking a deep breath before you've planned to stop by here, to read. 30 minutes earlier you were hiding up things in your pocket, pretending those things have no kind of scent I could smell.
You took the chair so I could have a rest while I was coping with my blood sugar drops, gave me that super sweet candies so I could raise the drops up.
You are the only person that could see me dying for food because my meal time is so unpredictable. Once I feel starving means I'm gonna die straight away.
You will turn on the music I like when things went bored around me, well, you know all of my favorites, don't you?

What I'm trying to tell was, have you ever heard a story about a big tree that could grow itself? And have you ever realized about the damn pretty good purposes of why God put these eyes, hands, brains and the rest well-ordered?
What would be your answer sounds like?
And then for twice or even more you keep trying to make me act like a reckless person. Well, thanks for all those creepy helps but you don't have to.
You don't have to fight all of my fights.

(the illustration can't be provided)